Terms & conditions
Terms & conditions

The company managing this website, hereinafter referred to as Rong Tuo Eco Bags, is Zhongshan Rong Tuo Eco Bags Co., Ltd., registered with the Business Register under no. [Registration Number] and having the Unique Identification Code [Company Code].

Before using the Rong Tuo Eco Bags website, we recommend that you carefully read the Terms and Conditions below to ensure you agree with them.

Rong Tuo Eco Bags reserves the right to modify these provisions without prior notice; therefore, we recommend you check the most recent version of the "Terms and Conditions" page in the "Legal" section, found in the website header.

Copyright The entire content of this website, including images, texts, graphics, symbols, web design elements, scripts, programs, and other data, is the property of Rong Tuo Eco Bags and its suppliers and is protected by copyright law and laws regarding intellectual and industrial property. Use of any elements listed above without the written consent of Rong Tuo Eco Bags is punishable according to applicable laws.

Access to Information Users of the Rong Tuo Eco Bags platform have limited access and only for personal interest on this website. They are not entitled to download, modify, reproduce, copy, sell/resell, or exploit the content, partially or entirely, in any other manner, for commercial purposes or contrary to the interests of Rong Tuo Eco Bags, without prior written consent.

Personal Data Protection Rong Tuo Eco Bags respects the privacy and security of personal data processing of its users. According to the requirements of applicable data protection laws, Rong Tuo Eco Bags will manage, under safe conditions and only for specified purposes, the personal data provided.

The information recorded is intended for use by Rong Tuo Eco Bags to fulfill its obligations.

If you wish to receive information about the products or services offered by Rong Tuo Eco Bags, please subscribe to our newsletter through the dedicated section on the website. If you later wish to stop receiving communications from Rong Tuo Eco Bags, please unsubscribe using the link provided in each newsletter.

According to applicable data protection laws, you have the right to access and intervene on the data, as well as the right not to be subject to an individual decision. Additionally, you have the right to oppose the processing of personal data that concerns you and to request their deletion. To exercise these rights, you can send a written, dated, and signed request to the Rong Tuo Eco Bags company address or to the company's email address found on the contact page. However, it should be noted that, in accordance with legal provisions, personal data cannot be deleted from the financial, tax, and management documents issued by Rong Tuo Eco Bags, as these processes are mandatory, and the law provides for the exclusion of the right to oppose in such cases. If any of the provided data is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible at rtsales@rtecobags.com.

Personal Data Security Your personal data will be used by Rong Tuo Eco Bags and its suppliers only for the declared purpose of this website, in accordance with legal provisions.

Information Security This website uses security measures against loss, alteration, or misuse of information under our control through platform security measures such as Cross-Site Scripting protection. However, Rong Tuo Eco Bags does not assume responsibility for information losses caused by bugs, hacking attacks, or software errors with which the website is designed and hosted.

Disputes and Final Provisions Any other aspect not already presented in any article of this document will be resolved amicably within 30 working days from the date of written notification of the issues by the user. If the conflict could not be resolved amicably, the competence lies with the courts of law, Rong Tuo Eco Bags choosing the jurisdiction of the courts in the municipality of Zhongshan. By expressing agreement with this Contract with Rong Tuo Eco Bags, the customer fully assumes these risks.